?Movieninja? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer\s Stone Download Torr

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer"s Stone ?Movieninja?



writed by - J.K. Rowling; Tomatometer - 8 / 10; country - UK; 608493 votes; Directed by - Chris Columbus; Year - 2001





Satisfaction. Is this ASMR. “I read it in the... hogwarts uhh. a... history” I love how she just forgets her lines basically. Lol Ron didnt even get that hurt. He just fell down the horse.

WOW Emma Watson had been doing CGI films since 2001. In the book, doesn"t dumbledore say, nitwit, blubber, oddment, tweak, like for people who agree. 1:04 Snape was trying to SAVE me???. When you realize they made a chess game suspenseful and badass. love those piece designs though. I still don"t get why when Mcgonagall questions them, they didn"t just say the troll went for Hermione and we tried to save her. Why did she make up some old tosh about trying to look for the toll.

Why does Harry"s voice sound like he is in puberty when he screams but has a high voice on regular talking. Look oit everybody It"s Shrek"s troll cousin. The look on Professor Snape"s face! 2:50 ?? Plus: Why didn"t he say anything about Hermione lying, cause he"s good at knowing if someone is lying. 2:51 im sorry but i literally cant with snapes facial expression lmao. People hating on harry are such trolls.

I only cane here for the sounds of him taking out the wand boxes. 2:20 HE"S JUST A KID! Harry can"t be a wizard, He"s just a regular person. That"s crazy, his Mom and Dad do no such magic in this 20th Century, magics don"t exist like medieval time. 2:39 Maybe, maybe not. Why"d he asked, him, Angry or Scared? Says who? Say Hagrid perhaps. COME HERE. POTTER. NOW. The troll at 1:15 is me in the morning. Vernon: He"ll not be going! We swore when we took him in we"d put a stop to all this rubbish. When it all started. I remember when I bought my first wand. For Halloween from Walmart.

Olivander be like: Hey, try this one, it kinda killed your parents. A great post I saw on Tumblr.

Olaf: I always wanted a nose! Voldemort: Me too

When Ron falled in the book Hermione screamed. Am I the only one who fell in love with the cuteness of harry when he was young. Not all of these scenes are deleted different film have different scenes because I have some of these scenes on my dvd. No lines, and yet Rickman"s Snape is so well acted in this scene. <3.



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